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European 14


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The ideology of the mixed-city is now shared. But how mixed is actually the mixed-city? In many urban development projects housing is the main program. We add some offices and public amenities, bars and shops to create a “genuine vibrant urban neighbourhood”. But one program has been excluded: the productive economy. It has left the city to go to the periphery.
There is now in many European cities a spatial and social mismatch between living and working conditions.
The city provides high-skilled professionals with many working possibilities while a large part of low-skilled workers live in the city with no work opportunity. This mismatch generates many problems with regard to economy, mobility and sociality. Production should be encouraged in the city, be part of the fabric, it should be seen, connected to shared daily life, nurtured and celebrated.
1- How to integrate some of the production activities in the city –food, energy, services, new industrial products– to enhance relations between citizens?
2- How to live in productive fields and to produce in living environment? How to manage the tensions between production and local life?
3- How to integrate production cycles considering distribution, waste and consumption, encouraging a diversity of (shorter?) cycles in local contexts and articulate them to a larger eco-scale?

The objective of Europan is to bring to the fore Europe’s young architecture and urban design professionals, and to present and develop their ideas. It is also about helping cities and developers who provided sites to find innovative architectural and urban solutions for the transformation of urban locations and help them to implement. The open competition is an anonymous and public call for ideas on a European scale.

Europan 14 is open to any team of young urban and architectural design professionals (architects, urban planners, landscape designers, engineers...). Every candidate must be under 40 years old on the closing date for submission of entries.

From Monday February 13, 2017, every candidate or team can check the European website www.europan-europe.eu, to discover the rules, theme, calendar, jury composition and the synthetic presentations of the 50 sites of the session, classified according to thematic families.

Registration is made online. The registration fee is of €150 for one site and €50 for any additional site. It gives access to the complete site folder.
Submission is done online and includes 3 A1 panels, 1 short text and 3 images for communication as well as necessary administrative documents.

In each country a jury, the composition of which is published on the website, examines all the projects entered in the country. The jury meets in two distinct sessions. During the first one, it examines the conformity of the projects in relation to the competition topic and shorlists a maximum of 20% of the submitted projects, for the quality of their ideas. During the second session, the jury examines the shortlisted projects in terms of their innovative qualities and suitability to the context into which they are inserted. It then chooses winning and runner-up projects with prizes and possibly gives a special mention to complementary projects.

The winner and runner-up teams receive a prize of €12,000 and €6,000 (including tax) respectively.

Europan guarantee to use all means necessary to incite cities and/or developers of sites to entrust the prize-winning teams with operational follow-through.