Přeskočit na obsah
Vážené architektky, vážení architekti, pražská kancelář je pro Vás otevřena i během svátků. Razítka si můžete vyzvednout vždy od 10 do 14 h v pondělí 23.12., v pátek 27. 12. a v pondělí 30. 12. Výměnu razítka v brněnské kanceláři si domluvte individuálně.

Basic Information About the Czech Chamber of Architects

The Czech Chamber of Architects (CCA) was established as an entity under public law by Act No. 360/1992 Coll., on Professional Practice of Certified Architects and on the Professional Practice of Certified Engineers and Technicians Active in Construction, and its subsequent amendments. With headquarters in Prague and jurisdiction throughout the Czech Republic, it also represents the profession abroad.

The CCA is responsible for the professional and ethical standards of architects in the Czech Republic and their integration into European and other professional structures. In accordance with its founding legislation, it is the professional association for all certified architects, as well as certified urban planners and certified landscape architects.

The CCA certifies architects from the Czech Republic and is a body of recognition for architects from the European Union, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein who decide to work in the Czech Republic, either as guests or as established residents, and registers these persons for the practice of the profession within the territory of the Czech Republic.

The CCA’s purpose is to serve the profession, architects, their clients and the public. The CCA prevents any unnecessary and unjustified restriction of the rights of any participants in the market and promotes fair conditions in the market for architectural services.

Through its elected representatives, the CCA strives for the legal and legitimate execution of all of the functions entrusted to it. At the same time, it recognises the democratic professional association as an important attribute of civil society and as a practical tool for the administration of independent, freelance professions.

How to practice architecture in the Czech Republic. More information.

Payment instructions for membership fees and insurance. More information.

Code of Conduct of the Czech Chamber of Architects